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Technical SEO

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  7. Technical SEO : 7 Powerful Strategies
At KeyFox Solutions Internet Marketing Agency, we understand that the digital landscape is highly competitive. Every second of delay in your page load time can significantly increase your bounce rate, leading to the loss of potential customers and valuable leads. That is why our comprehensive Technical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services are designed to elevate your website’s performance, providing an exceptionally smooth and fast user experience. We make sure your website is thoroughly optimized, not just for search engines, but also for your users. Our expert team works tirelessly on enhancing your site’s load time, improving its responsiveness, and ensuring it’s mobile-friendly. By doing so, we help you attract high-quality leads and boost your organic traffic, giving you an edge over your competitors in the digital world. Trust KeyFox Solutions to provide you with the technical SEO services that will take your online presence to the next level.
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Technical SEO

What isTechnical SEO?

Technical SEO is a vital procedure that ensures your website adheres to search engine guidelines, enabling it to be crawled and indexed without any hitches. The primary purpose of conducting a  SEO audit is to evaluate your website's present SEO status and identify areas that require enhancement to provide a smooth online experience.

As user demands have evolved considerably over time and search engines have gained in sophistication, these audits have become ever more critical. Data from Statista reveals that the global count of smartphone users now sits at roughly 3.5 billion. This significant increase in smartphone consumption has prompted search engines, like Google, to roll out algorithm updates prioritizing site speed and mobile experience when ranking web pages.

In the contemporary digital landscape, websites characterized by inadequate structure, sluggish page loading, and erratic redirects may face penalties from Google. If left unaddressed, these technical SEO challenges can lead to a significant decline in search rankings and organic traffic. Considering that the top results in organic searches garner almost 35 percent of clicks, a drop in ranking could have adverse consequences for your business.

Search Experience

Technical SEO: Your First Step in Creating a Better Search Experience

The primary objective behind algorithm adjustments is to optimize the user experience. To achieve this, it is crucial to comprehend the essence of  SEO, its components, and how an SEO technical audit can be employed to ensure website compliance with search engine guidelines and industry norms.

Technical on-page SEO encompasses various elements, including site speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), robots exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap status, and content quality.
Don't let  SEO obstacles bring about negative consequences for your site's SEO performance. By investing in  SEO for platforms like eCommerce, WordPress, and other CMS, you are paving the way for a smoother and more efficient future. Our consultants specializing in  SEO are ready to discuss how crucial  SEO is to your business, particularly in the context of WordPress. Connect with us today for a deeper understanding of the importance of technical SEO

Technical SEO
Local Businesses

Technical SEO Services for Local Businesses

In today's highly competitive digital world, maintaining abreast of current on-page SEO strategies and algorithm modifications is crucial for enhancing your website's profitability. Gaining a comprehensive insight into  SEO and its requirements empowers you to design web pages that cater to both online users and search engine crawlers. The term  SEO is at the heart of this concept, underscoring the importance of creating a solid foundation for both user experience and search engine understanding. So, let's delve into the subject further and unlock the potential that SEO can bring to your website

Technical SEO involves the following processes:

Local SEO leverages various local digital marketing tactics to rank up your local SEO ranking, including:.

Understandably, balancing the intricacies of  SEO while also focusing on your primary business functions can be overwhelming and resource-draining. This is where our expert SEO consultants come in.

Is your website's technical on-page SEO performance impacting your organic search results? Allow our  SEO agency to take the reins. By choosing KeyFox Solutions for your SEO technical audits and optimization, you unlock the door to your online growth potential. Let's work together, leveraging the power of SEO to elevate your digital presence.

User-Focused Enhancements

Choose KeyFox Solutions and Improve Your Technical SEO

Our technical SEO approach focuses on improving and optimizing your website's underlying code, structure, and technical setup to increase its visibility on search engines. We ensure your website is easily crawlable and indexable by search engine bots, creating a seamless user experience. Additionally, we prioritize mobile optimization, page speed, and secure encryption (HTTPS) while also working on eradicating any duplicate content issues. Furthermore, our team is dedicated to the ongoing management of XML sitemaps and robots.txt files, facilitating clear pathways for search engines to index your site's content effectively. Through these concerted efforts, we strive to push your website to the top of search engine rankings.


Technical SEO Services

For a successful online campaign, developing robust SEO tactics is essential. Start by conducting thorough keyword research. Identify words and phrases relevant to your business that potential customers are likely to use when searching online. Use these keywords naturally in your web content, blog posts, and metadata to improve your website's visibility in search engine results.
Next, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your audience. Content that resonates with your target audience will encourage organic sharing and engagement, increasing your visibility and boosting SEO.
Furthermore, don’t underestimate the power of link building. Reach out to reputable websites for backlinks and cross-promotion opportunities. Backlinks from authoritative sites can significantly improve your website's domain authority and search rankings.



We carry out an exhaustive SEO audit, pinpointing and rectifying your site's technical SEO complications. This thorough assessment encompasses crucial elements, such as mobile responsiveness, internal linking configuration, page loading speed, XML sitemap status, indexing issues, crawl errors, robots.txt file, and website structure. Leveraging the insight we gain from the analytical data, we create both immediate and future-oriented strategies to enhance your website visitors' experience and boost your Google ranking positions.



Get a complete overview of your competition’s optimization tactics and determine your conversion opportunities. Our technical SEO consultant evaluates your competition’s keyword performance, search engine rankings, social media presence and technical and backlink profile. These processes allow us to create strategies that will provide you with a distinct advantage in your respective niche market.

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Boost your online presence and attract more visitors with well-structured meta tags that accurately portray your webpage content to both users and search engines. At KeyFox Solutions, we conduct SEO for WordPress, which includes a comprehensive analysis and optimization of your meta descriptions, title tags, meta keywords, alt attributes and robots tags. This ensures there are no metadata errors posing potential harm to your SEO performance. This is an integral part of our commitment to fortifying your "Technical SEO" strategy, providing you with an improved online platform reaching out to a wider audience.



Performance issues due to large images can deter site visitors and negatively impact your website's efficiency. Technical SEO implementation for eCommerce can help mitigate this issue. Our experts are skilled in selecting the ideal file format, enhancing alt attributes, minimizing image file sizes, deploying image sitemaps, and making the most of image optimization plugins. This "Technical SEO" technique not only speeds up your site load time but also attracts a broader customer base.

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"Technical SEO" plays a pivotal role in enhancing your site's speed, impacting both your search engine rankings and customer experience. Our SEO gurus implement file compression to downsize CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files, contributing to faster page loading. We also streamline your code, minimize redirects, take advantage of browser caching, make use of Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), and enhance server response time. This emphasis on comprehensive "Technical SEO" practices ensures an optimised and responsive web presence, elevating your user experience and the overall performance of your online platform

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"Technical SEO" is instrumental in increasing your website's accessibility for search engines via schema markup. We accentuate the elements on your page, assign appropriate data tags, craft the necessary HTML, and integrate the schema markup into your page. Our team leverages Google's Structured Data Testing Tool for a thorough markup examination and to identify and address any potential issues. This strategy ensures your website is ideally set up for search engine crawling, comprehension, and display.

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Technical SEO is the cornerstone of your online marketing plan, serving as a roadmap to industry trends, consumer needs, and website optimization. Knowledge about relevant industry trends and consumer patterns is garnered through diligent keyword research. Our SEO experts delve into your business domain, implement detailed SEO audits to gauge your keyword standings, and modify your website pages by integrating highly effective search terms.

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Improve your website's online prominence and search ranking potential with SEO tailored for eCommerce and other platforms. Our adept team conducts comprehensive backlink assessments to guarantee you obtain inbound links from credible, high-authority sites. We employ a range of backlink data sources to discern your referrer domains, evaluate their site authority, and ascertain the extent of social sharing of the linked pages.

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In the realm of WordPress, SEO can sometimes lead to Google penalties, triggered by algorithm modifications or black-hat practices. Our SEO professionals employ Google Search Console to determine the nature of the penalty impacting your site. They carefully evaluate your backlink approaches, rectify inconsistencies in your original web pages and Google-crawled content, and verify all your redirects for proper functionality. This thorough process aids in recovering from such penalties.

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Web migration demands careful handling, requiring a comprehensive migration strategy to eliminate the risk of valuable traffic loss. We implement a SEO-friendly approach to website migration, a process that encompasses initial performance benchmarking through analytics, careful redirection of all URLs from the previous site to the new domain, internal link updates, duplicate content removal, 404-page management, and consistent monitoring of traffic and rankings. With this effective strategy, we ensure a seamless transition with minimal disruption to your online visibility.

Result Guaranteed

A Technical SEO Company that Gets Results

Effective Technical SEO is crucial for achieving online success with WordPress and other CMS platforms. Implementing a strategic technical optimization SEO plan allows you to quickly identify and address website issues, ensuring all SEO elements function optimally. Take advantage of our SEO services to drive profitable, long-term growth through expert technical optimization.
Here’s what you can expect when you partner with our  SEO company:

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In-depth Website Audits

At KeyFox Solutions, we conduct thorough site audits encompassing technical SEO, paid campaigns, CRO, backlink profiles, analytics, and competition. Our data-driven approach ensures informed business decisions based on research.

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Technical SEO Specialists

KeyFox Solutions Internet Marketing Agency, a distinguished Technical SEO company in the U.S., boasts a team of Google-certified specialists. We meticulously assess, plan, and implement data-driven SEO strategies, staying abreast of industry trends for impactful results.

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Full-Service SEO Solutions

Enhance website performance and boost close rates with our tailored SEO solutions. Specializing in SEO for eCommerce, Shopify, franchises, Amazon, and local businesses, our team optimizes content, speeds up your site, and humanizes your brand.

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In-depth Website Audits

At KeyFox Solutions, we conduct thorough site audits encompassing technical SEO, paid campaigns, CRO, backlink profiles, analytics, and competition. Our data-driven approach ensures informed business decisions based on research.

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Technical SEO Specialists

KeyFox Solutions Internet Marketing Agency, a distinguished Technical SEO company in the U.S., boasts a team of Google-certified specialists. We meticulously assess, plan, and implement data-driven SEO strategies, staying abreast of industry trends for impactful results.

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Full-Service SEO Solutions

Enhance website performance and boost close rates with our tailored SEO solutions. Specializing in SEO for eCommerce, Shopify, franchises, Amazon, and local businesses, our team optimizes content, speeds up your site, and humanizes your brand.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A: Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. It’s called “technical” because it has nothing to do with the actual content of the website or with website promotion. The main goal of technical SEO is to optimize the infrastructure of a website.
A: Technical SEO is crucial for your website’s visibility in search engines. If a website doesn’t have a good technical SEO foundation, it might suffer from indexing issues, loading speed problems, or a poor mobile experience, which can all negatively impact the site’s ranking.
A: Elements of technical SEO include website speed, mobile-friendliness, XML sitemaps, website structure, canonical URLs, 404 errors, secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates, and more. These aspects are all geared towards making a website more appealing to search engines and easier for them to crawl and index.
A: Improving your technical SEO can be done by ensuring your website loads quickly, is mobile-friendly, has a well-structured sitemap that makes it easy for search engines to crawl your site, and has an SSL certificate to ensure it’s secure. Regular audits can help identify areas for improvement.
A: No, while technical SEO is crucial for a website’s visibility and ranking, it’s not the only aspect of SEO that matters. Content quality, relevance, and backlinks are also important factors in SEO. A well-rounded SEO strategy should include both technical and non-technical elements for optimal results.
A: Some common technical SEO mistakes to avoid include improper use of canonical tags, missing or duplicate meta tags, broken links, slow page loading speed, and poor mobile optimization. It’s important to regularly audit your website and fix any technical issues to ensure optimal performance and visibility in search engines. Additionally, staying up-to-date with best practices and avoiding black hat tactics can help prevent any negative impact on a website’s SEO.

Contact & Join Together

Enhance your online visibility with our specialized Technical SEO services. Our experts conduct thorough audits to identify and rectify site issues, ensuring optimal performance. Contact us to boost your digital presence and drive meaningful results.

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